Ju-Jitsu has so many benefits for Children:-
Children can begin from age 5, varies from club to club
Core and Body Strength Building
Brain and Memory Development
Skill and Reflexes Sharpen
Speed and Reaction Quicken
Constant Praise raises Self Esteem
From Beginner to Black Belt
Confidence Grows
Leadership skills develop
Jnr Leader to Assistant Coach age 16
Club Coach can be achieved by 18
Dream Big, Believe in Yourself, Achieve your Goals!
Each video shows how the training development gets better as they go through the ranks. Each video was filmed during the learning phase, not grading standard but you can still see progression.
After a month.
Training for yellow belt.
Training for orange belt.
Training for green belt.
Training for brown & white belt.
Training for Brown Belt
Having Fun is what it is all about!

Our grading's are every 3 month, the children only grade if they are at the correct standard. We monitor each child regularly and if they can perform 3 - 5 moves without help, they earn a red tag in class, 6-10 moves a yellow tag, 9-15 moves a green tag, once they receive the Green tag they work on speed for their grading and ultimate performance mark of Pass, Credit, Honours or Honours with Distinction only ever rarely awarded for a wow performance!
To reach Grading Standard :-
1. They must know all the techniques on their syllabus
2. They can perform the moves, without prompt from the coach.
3. They can perform the moves at a speed that is acceptable for that particular grade. age, ability.
Training after Black belt.
Children learn from our Jnr syllabus
Children have to be 18 to take 2nd Dan
So they don't get bored waiting along time for 2nd Dan, the Gold tag system was introduced. We adapted it, and added in things they didn't learn that adults did, and incorporated 2nd Dan into the learning frame.
Training for Black Belt
Playing Games on Courses or at the end of a class allows children to socialise, it also acts as a reward for good behaviour during training. It builds team building, and strategy skills. We have so many different games we play, but their favourite's are Dodge ball, Warlord, Shoot Ball and Chase the Dragons Tail. We have a good balance mix of work hard, skill build, then play time.
Give your child the best start in life!
We have seen the difference positive praise makes to every single child, if your child likes a sport but isn't skilled yet, they get dropped by the coach in favour of the best players, Martial arts is different, each individual is fully included, encouraged and nurtured to be the best they can be. This sets them up for life skills and the confidence they need to have to nail that interview for College, University, Apprenticeship, or applying directly to a Company, because of the belief and confidence we build in them.