Our Qualifications

Students begin by starting as a beginner white belt, then advance through each rank to Brown Belt.

Senior Coach Award.
Coaching Programme
All our coaches begin as assistant coaches, they then go on to take Club Coach Course, and finally Senior Club Coach Award
Covid Safety Training Certificate

Proffesional Indemnity Cover
All students who pass through the coloured ranking system will continue to the Dan Grades.

Awarded 7th Dan in 2011, by Soke Clark, Sadly he passed away in 2012

All our coaches are fully insure, and as an organisation we also have civil liability cover.

Enhanced DBS
Every single person that has access to children via coaching/ volunteer, must have an Enhanced DBS

First Aid for sport. all club coaches are qualified.
All Coaches have received training, to keep their students safe while in our care.

Safeguarding Children Certificate, all coaches qualified.
NVQ level 2 awarded September 2000

Females in Martial Art
This was achieved with a lot of hard work and looking in depth into all aspects of Ju-Jitsu, club retention, advertisment, making corrections to techniques, lesson plans, Emergency Action plans, this give us the building blocks to help our coaches reach their potential.

Assistant coach Programme